Love is all you need

In January this year, Cyrenians CEO, Ewan Aitken, addressed the SCCR Annual Conference, with a speech titled ‘Love is all you Need…’. You can read Ewan’s blog here. At the SCCR Conference, Ewan spoke about love, relationships and conflict, and how when conflict is not managed well, relationships can become strained and often fractured. In Scotland over 4000 young people become homeless each year, as a result of the breakdown of a family relationship.
But what about love…an uncomfortable subject for many people. It can be difficult for us to tell someone that we love them but when we do, or someone tells us that they love us, then the impact can be huge.
But the frightening fact is that as a result of the current situation we may not have the opportunity to tell loved ones how we feel about them. Many people are leaving us before their time with the elderly being particularly vulnerable. So perhaps we shouldn’t put things off, maybe today is the day to remind those that we love, just how much we care for them? Love is all you need…


Took your advice and told my daughter I loved her and missed her very much. She’s living with her boyfriend’s family in Glasgow who are taking very good care of her but I’m longing for a cuddle…


This is just lovely Andrew. Hopefully this makes a few people smile and they will pass on the love!

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@Cathm, LOVELY to read your post, missing family and loved ones too! I was deeply moved by Ewans conference address. There is now a film of the speakers on the SCCR website Conference 2020. See @Andrew1 post on 04 Feb.

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