CYCPS - Human rights information in scary times

Hi all
I received the CYPCS newsletter which provided an update on their status and useful information for families and young people please see below. Further information can be found at

Rights are there so that children and young people can lead safe and happy lives, and that doesn’t stop being true in difficult times.

Resources that can help

For children
Childline has people you can talk to at any time of day about any worries that you have. They’ll listen to you about what you have to say.

CBBC Newsround has lots of videos and advice for you if you’re worried about coronavirus. It’s also updating its page of advice for you if you’re worried by events in the news.

For young people
Young Scot’s Coronavirus website is a brilliant and regularly updated resource that can support young people and help young people support others.

The Mental Health charity Mind have detailed advice on supporting your mental health if you end up having to self-isolate.

For parents and carers
COVIBOOK is a short book designed to support and reassure children under 7 about the virus.

Contact us

0131 475 2493
Norton Park 57 Albion Road EH7 5QY Edinburgh