Back to School - A Tricky Time!

So the schools are back, some pupils are happy, some teachers are happy but most parents and carers are delighted!
For some pupils, school, with the peer and teacher support that school can provide, can give a sanctuary away from the conflict at home. For other pupils, school provides significant challenges, with the school holidays having allowed pupils to put these challenges to the back of their minds.
The exam results are in, so pupils now know which subjects they are studying, which teachers they have and who is in their class. Some pupils will be happy with their new timetable and some will not.
It’s a time of change at school and although change can be exciting and present new opportunities, change can be tricky to handle. So going back to school can be stressful, it can be difficult to manage emotions so we often experience stress, anxiety and anger.
Check out the SCCR website which helps you to understand our emotional states and what we can do to manage them as best we can. Small changes in how we manage conflict can make significant changes to how we feel and to our mental health.
Let us know what has worked for you, what tips from the website you have found useful and if you have any additional tips that others might find useful.

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0131 475 2493
Norton Park 57 Albion Road EH7 5QY Edinburgh