
No mean city, a blog by Janine Fraser is a team leader for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership in North East Glasgow, Tuesday 21 March
_For World Social Work Day 2017, I, alongside social workers across the world are celebrating our professional identity and ‘socialworkness’, and pausing to reflect on what we stand for… _
_…We are an emotionally intelligent, resilient, caring, hard-working, ends-meeting, charity giving, Tunnocks teacake-eating, football-supporting (the list goes on) diverse bunch of individuals and families in the East End…You can read the blog at https://www.celcis.org/

A great insight into social working and in breaking down some of the myths and misperceptions of social work and workers. The key point is the commitment to families and relationships, which I believe all agencies working in this field have, it is certainly my experience when delivering training around the country. It would good to hear from other professionals and practitioners their thoughts on their work with families, if only to promote and inform others who may be of need of such support. Register today and give us the benefit of your experience.

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