Life is all about choices

Listening to “Thought for the day” on Radio Scotland today inspired me to write this post. The speaker talked about the bravery of a young girl ‘Chelsea’, who wrote an open letter to her drug-addict parents to thank them for not being there for her. In Chelsea’s letter she highlights one of the key learning points she gained from her experience, she writes: “Your example showed me that life is all about choices and that I didn’t need to make the same ones you did…” How true that is however for many young people they feel that they have no choice or the choice they have is all about survival, rather than personal growth and development. I feel that this kind of inspiration should be on a poster in every school, every library, every youth club in Scotland, in the UK. This is a young person speaking to other young people, how many young people have read the letter, even know of its existence. I highlight this in the hope that someone will share this with others who work in the field of putting the young person first and empowering the young people to learn the same message – “…life is all about choices…”

[Chelsea’s Open Letter] ( - Toby Meyjes for 31 Jan 2017 3:32 pm

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